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Anyoung dear chingus!! Welcome back. So all this while we have been talking about our favorite actors, actresses , their chems and all other things but today I’m gonna write about something different yet familiar which is about the evil mamas of the k-drama land. Interesting isn’t it?? Well all our lives since we have started watching K-dramas we are cursing our whole heart those bitchy moms because of which the love lives of our favorite couples become impossible. They create troubles in the girl’s life, splashes water on her face, offers her a huge amount of money and then threatens her to get away from their son’s life.

So today we are gonna recall about those typical Korean drama moms and hate them all we want. Let’s get started..


Okay guys. So Jun Pyo’s mom was my first time witnessing an evil mom which was quite like a culture shock for me as in the Indian television, moms are often shown as a sacrificing, kind and loving one. And as Boys Over flower was my first Korean drama to watch so Kang Hee Soo was the first bitch for me.

So Kang Hee Soo was a mom who wanted everything in her favour even at the cost of her own husband and children. She doesn’t care about anything except for money, power, class and status. When she got to know about Jun Pyo dating Jan di who hails from a poor family background, she left no stones unturned to make her life hell. Starting from threatening her family, kick them out of their house, ruining their business to kidnapping her own son , she did it all. So she was the most evil one for me till date.


This drama has been my all time favorite. But one of the reasons for the drama to be successful is the role of the beautiful evil Song Cha Ok. She took her profession of journalism so seriously that she herself doesn’t know how many lives she has destroyed like with one of her false report in the greed of high rating of her channel, she framed one innocent man as guilty whose pressure of charge was so bad that the society didn’t forgive and the wife and children committed suicide . Inspite of all , she doesn’t even bother about that and thinks whatever she did was right. She was so much indulged in her profession that she divorced her husband and doesn't even acknowledge her own daughter. Although in the end her character became a bit calm but she and her evil character is pretty unique and unforgettable.


Now this mom is kinda same as Gu Jun Pyo’s mom. This woman , Moon Bong Hong made the life of Gil Ra Im and Kim Joo Won a practical hell. She wanted everything good for her son like a normal mother but when she came to know about this poor stunt woman Ra Im’s presence in her son’s life, she did everything a typical Korean drama #omma does with a girl. When the couple refused to let go of each other, she kicked Joo Won out of her property and demanded rent from the house he lives in. Even till the end of the drama, she couldn’t accept the couple .


Yoon Sung Sook is an untolerable woman who has everything to do with class as she belongs to one rich family. When she got to know about he son Oh Chang Min fleeing with a mere nutritionist rather than a doctor , she cut all her contacts with the two until the they got divorced. She forcefully made her son reentered to medicines. Even her husband can’t stand her and lives away from her leading a simple and silent life. After the leap, when she came to know her ex-daughter in law Oh Jin Hee becoming a doctor in the same department as her son, all she knew to do was screaming her lungs out. She even slapped Oh Jin Hee when she was attempting to treat her infront of all medical staffs. She is the meanest.


Kim Tan’s mom Jung Ji Sook, who is not her biological mom is horrible. She cares only for her appearance and to have control over the family. She always taunts Tan’s biological mom for being just a mistress of her husband and never lets her leave the house. She even manipulates the company administration in her favour when her husband was hospialised. Napeun Omma!!

So guys that’s it for now. Hope you guys liked it.Lemme know who's your favorite mean mom. Mine is the Pinicchio's one. Comment if you want posts from some specific favorite topic. Don’t forget to give this post a “love”, share it with your friends and subscribe. And for more such K-drama loaded posts, stay tuned.



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